Lucka 1 <3

Min första lucka får handla om en liten bok med ett jätte fint budskap. Har haft boken ända sedan jag var liten så jag tänkte att jag kunde dela den med er <3 Jag kommer att skriva den på engelska eftersom den är skriven på det språket.

Sätt låten på och spela medan ni läser <3

Do You Love Someone? by John Walsh Anglund

The universe is wide and wonderful and filled with many stars,
The world is rich and varied and filled with many people,
And among its hundreds of towns, and thousands of homes, and millions of people,
each of us, is only "one".....
one small person, in a world of millions of other people, in a universe of billions of other worlds.
Knowing this, sometimes we each feel very small, Sometimes we feel lonely and lost, as though nothing we do
can ever truly matter.
Each of us wants to be needed.
Each of us wants to be remembered.
Each of us wants to be important in his own special way.
There are many different ways to be important in this world.
Some people become doctors and heal the sick.
Some become farmers and feed the hungry.
And some become teachers and share wisdom and knowledge.
But you can be a shepherd, or a shoemaker, or a baker, or a barber, or a captain, or a carpenter, or a king!
And whatever you are, there is still one thing that matters most.
Do you love someone......
and does someone love you?
For the heart is its own world, and in that world you are important!
And thats what really matters, isnt it? <3

Håll detta i minnet och glöm inte att ni är speciella och unika på era egna sätt och därför tycker andra också om er <3


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